"We wanted to say thank you for the time you spent with our new
analysts last week! As always, you were engaging, professional, and humorous.
The analysts cited your presentation as a highlight of the event"
Vice President, Manager, Development Program,
Fortune 100 Bank
"The interactive style of these workshops helps to drive the learning home and push our professionals to “up their game.” Our new hires have been able to start their career journey the right way and, in addition, our business and our clients have benefited by having professionals ready to professionally serve their needs.
Thank you Tricia for all you do!"
Vice President, Manager of Commercial Analyst Development Program,
Large International Bank
“Our participants in the virtual workshop loved that Patricia encouraged everyone to be their genuine selves and to embrace diversity. They especially appreciated Patricia’s message that companies value different traits, different backgrounds and different skillsets.”
Manager of Learning & Development,
Global Accounting Firm

Intern at a large accounting firm
I had a great time and learned a lot. I am an introverted person and without even having the chance to test out the tips you gave us on how to leverage our voices and stand out, I already know they are going to help me improve.

Recent college grad, now in a top accounting firm
Millennial employed by a multinational bank
New hire at a national health care organization
Rising executive at a Fortune 500 company

I thought that this was one of the most informational, useful, and interesting
presentations that I have been to. The information, topics, and skills
talked about in this presentation were extremely helpful. One of my college courses
spent about 2-3 weeks on this topic of your own personal brand, and
I found this course to be more informative than those 2-3 weeks in college combined.
Recent college grad, now in a top accounting firm
Makes you think about things you might otherwise not -
goes beyond just "how should I dress" or "how should I eat" to thinking
at a broad level about "how can I present myself better?
How can I be a positive and professional energy in a room?"
Millennial employed by a multinational bank
She was able to remember something about everybody in that room
and you could tell how passionate she was about everything.
New hire at a national health care organization
Patricia was great, she brought a really strong and positive energy
to the room. I even reached out to her afterwards about
a question I didn't want to address in front of the class and she set up
a call for us the next day.
Rising executive at a Fortune 500 company
I had a great time and learned a lot. I am an introverted person and without even having the chance to test out the tips you gave us on how to leverage our voices and stand out, I already know they are going to help me improve.
Intern at a large accounting firm
“I liked the reflective pieces of this online course such as when we evaluated our professional presence, our elevator pitches, and how we interact with others. Patricia gave us very important tips on how to be seen and how to be successful in the workforce, including in a virtual setting.”
Associate at Global Automotive Company.
“Simply put, you inspired me. I could listen to your presentation multiple times and take something new from it every time. One quote that will stick with me is ‘If it's not uncomfortable, you're not trying hard enough.”
Undergrad Business student
“Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your informative, insightful, and
life-changing workshop - especially the notion of leading with authenticity.”
Undergrad Engineering student